
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday October 30th, 2013

DAY 6 
I will admit, there are times I am not always filled with an overwhelmingly amount of hope while being here, I often doubt. And today was one if those days.

Today I got a little nervous when my stomach started cramping very badly, I started sweating and feeling nauseous-all signs I am told to watch for daily. I am pretty good at determining where the pain is coming from, so this afternoon I could tell it was my GI. Thank goodness!
 I haven't had a bowel movement (I know TMI) in 3 days. My body has just been sitting. I'm living this sedentary life style all day long. Any little change with my body through out the day, makes me so nervous. I had some really good sleep, but woke up to cramping all through out the worrisome. 
After some nasty sludge and 2 stool softeners, still cramping. 
So I will hopwfully get some relief and help with my issues.....awww

Probably about the same time I was having the constipation issues,
grammy took Pops and scruff on a nice walk to the park!!!
Poppy and my mom try to come and see me daily. I need my snuggles and so does Poppy. It is of course the best part of my day!
I can tell this is all very hard for her, I feel so bad, but she is well loved and taken care of.

**So again, today was quiet as far as changes with my body. Little Hebb is continuing to bake. Thanks again to all the visitors for showing the love, I have not yet been bored.
24.3 weeks pregnant. 

Tomorrow is Halloween right? 
Not sure because every time I look on instagram it looks as if people are practicing getting all costumed out or they actually have a party to attend in the middle of the week! Not sure, but they must be popular people!

And can I say? I hate the 'dead' stuff about Halloween. The zombies. The coffins. The mummies. Guts. Blood.  Being dead isn't pleasant or funny and being buried in a not funny. It's very very disturbing and the most gross thought. Ever. I guess I look at it a little differently than someone who has never buried a child in the sad. And I too, like many of you never really took a second thought about this...but it is now my reality. And btw, I am not offended in any way, if this was your costume choice. Really, I promise. I just see it differently now..I still love everyone. 

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