
Sunday, November 17, 2013

•••27 weeks•••

Sunday November 17, 2013

A quick update:
Yesterday the doctors talked as if we might meet our baby and to prepare for a possible delivery.  I have been bleeding more and more.  I guess when a woman bleeds this much after her membranes are completely ruptured, she will shortly go into labor. Well, not in my case this is my third big bleed. I just keep bleeding. They keep checking my clotting factor and blood levels and they have been normal! The baby appears to be fine through all of this and continues to grow!!!  So proud of this little babe. So, they have continue to watch me and peanut closely. There is a fine line to walk for the docs, of course they want to keep the baby in my tummy as long as possible, but they also don't want to wait until my placenta pulls away completely from the uterus and cuts off the babies oxygen and nutrient supply. Then things would get scary.... We still don't know when the baby or my body will decide to make known what's going to happen, but I know the time will present itself. Until then, waiting and praying. 

The neonatologists came in to talk to Chris and I today and give us the current survival statistics. It just so happened to be the same guy who spoke with us the very first night of our arrival. The odds seemed pretty horrible then and now as we talked with him, the odds were very reassuring and hopeful. We wanted to be
informed on what we could now expect since we have made it to 27 weeks. He basically said there is no graff because the chance of survival is so high, like 95%, of course the morbitiy rate is still present, but significantly decreases. He was very hopeful that they have many amazing doctors and with their knowledge and equipment they can help this baby make it through the first few months of life. We are so happy. Yes, it will be a long journey, but a hopeful one.  When the baby arrives we can plan on it being in NICU until it's due date, Februrary 15th. 

Our date tonight....
We Snuggled and ate yummy food from the famous, Lardos. When Chris went to pick up the food, the lady at the restraunt gave Chris 2 cookies, homemade chips, quinoa salad and 2 delicious sandwiches for $13.00. She felt bad I was in the nice!

Forward on to 28 weeks!!!!

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