
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A better day

27.4 weeks
Oooh yea!

Today I had no visitors and no phone calls, it was ok though. I just relaxed and was in the moment...ok, I did look on Pinterest a lot and dreamt about fun things!!! 
We like our uneventful days to pass by. 
This picture was taken last week...

I'm awesome and I know it! I was so exhausted after taking a shower, I just plopped on the bed and couldn't move. It makes me laugh to see this!!! 

So much encouragement and sweet words were sent my way....and I thank each one of you! We really need help through this. It's not an easy thing, but we are making it! All of the suggestions on getting through the hard days sure helped me...basically I just need to keep on keepin on! That's been my saying for many years now. And it's still true. Just keep being, breathing and hoping. 

Status update
*peanut is stable and looks good 
*amniotic fluid level is back down to .8cm. darn. 
*i feel really good and strong
*the doctors and nurses are wonderful
*i showered all by myself today and lotioned my entire body
*still being monitored all day, and still on the labor and delivery floor
*i sleep well and until about 8am
*i only have one IV, my biggest complaint has been my annoying IV's

***One tip I have for others going through this in the future, is to turn your care over to the doctors. Don't sit and worry because there is little you can do. It's out of your control. God is in control. I pray the doctors are lead by God and their knowledge will stear them in the right direction when the time comes. I physically gave my worries to God and the doctors. It's a lot easier this way. 
Do it. 


        [little miss muffin]
This picture makes me happy...she was watching baby Einstein, she loved it! 

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