
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Our little fighter

Many people have been texting, calling and emailing me about an update....I' am so sorry.
I have been busier than I thought with my new little guy, learning to walk again, and enjoying my husband and little gal!!!

10 days old

My days have been spent pumping every 3 hours, getting my body use to walking again
and driving to the hospital.
I wish I could stay with my little man, but I know I have
another child who needs me just as much or more at this point.


The little guys pod and home for the next few months
Look at that tiny bum...oh my, I was so nervous.

First time holding him, only for about 5 seconds while the nurses changed the bedding, but it was special.

I sang to him and he looked at his momma!!

Now thats just the tiniest foot...teenie tiny.

No, this little peanut still doesn't have a name.
There are about 3 names we are considering, well I don't really love them, but they are all we've got.

My favorite is Loxxley, nic name Loxx.
Let me hear what you all think, and remember his middle name is KAI, after his big brother!

Sweet baby boys update
-He is still on room air and cpap-
-He is now having regular stools-
-He is tolerating his cpap changes very well, he is on 4-the lowest-
-His tummy is now soft-
-His x-ray of his tummy came back normal-
-He weighs 1000 grams-
-He is on 6ML of breast milk-
-He lost blood and they aren't sure where it went, so he had a blood transfusion, he accepted it well-
-Not sure about the brain bleed after the blood loss-
-He has another brain scan on Friday-

Please pray for our little guy.
 I really feel bad to ask for help and prayers again. I already had prayers and help when Ollie passed onto heaven,
now this???
It's just too much for Chris and I.
We are stuggling.
How can we possibly be doing this?
Its just sureal to sit in the Doernbecher Neonatal Critical Care
think about when Ollie was in the
Doernbecher Pediatric Critical Care.
How can we possibly have 2 sons fighting for their lives in the exact same hospital?
We didn't get our miracle we had wished, hoped, pleaded, and weeped for.....I hope the second time around we get our MIRACLE.

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