
Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Just a few small things....
(Not really time to explain everything in depth-due to my lack of sleep, moving and my anxiety of leaving my child in the NICU for 7 weeks now)

A new job for Chris!
 He will be working for Doppelmayr as an engineer. A dream job for him. Got the job and moved out of our house within 2 weeks. This change will be a nice way to take a breath, collect ourselves and just slow down for a bit. 

A big move to Utah. 
Chris, Poppy and my awesome dad drove all night and then unloaded the moving truck today. We will be living in my hospitable parents basement appt.
We will miss Oregon. We have loved living here and eating at so many yummy and unique restaurants. We have so many friends who will forever be our friends and who we will deeply miss. Its so bittersweet to leave our neighbors who helped perform CPR on sweet Ollie. This house was the last place Ollie was...everyone knows Ollie there.
 Our Oregon 4th street and amazing ward will always hold a tender spot in our hearts-I have gotten so mushy with my words and more serious about life since Ollies passing-I will never be the same again.

Living at the Ronald McDonald house. 
I will be staying here until Loxxley is out of the hospital.  
What an amazing place this is for families and what a blessing to be experiencing what so many have donated to. They take care of everything and provide taxis to and from the hospital at all hours of the day or night. 
A Big Gigantic thank you to everyone who donates to this great cause. 
Truly amazing in every way.
We hope to give back in a small way someday.


A few pics of sweet Loxxley.
Because he's just so darn cute and precious in every way.
4lbs 11 oz. 7 weeks old. 
35 weeks corrected.
Has an NG feeding tube and is on diuretics.
He is still desating with every feed.
-in every pic he looks so different-

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