
Monday, February 3, 2014

6 pounder

Loxxley is now 6 pounds of pure goodness.
What a huge little dude.
Still just going slow on his feedings. He is taking about 53% of his feeds by mouth.

He has come a long way and is still fighting.
He has not had an episode that needed stimulation in about 2 days...Hopefully no more of those from here on out. I had a talk with him, I told him it scared mom.

Every time I take a minute to sit down and write, I have so many thoughts and yet, no thoughts at all.
My mind is blown. 
I'm stressed.
My back hurts and aches-oh the sweet nurse today asked if she could rub my shoulders.
Are you serious? This really happened? 
Such a sweet moment for me. 
I needed some physical touch and enjoyed every single second of it.


I have had only a few meltdowns since my time alone up here.

I miss Ollie. 
I miss Poppy.
I miss Chris. 
I miss Loxxley, 
while I sit in my hotel room alone....its lonely and quiet, too quiet-I'm getting used to all the alarms going off every few minutes, the noise and all the chaos.


What I have learned lately...

1-God is in COMPLETE control of our lives. Once we accept this and trust, we are happier.
2-There is something significant for us to learn we are alive.
3-Trusting God and his power, his timing and his awareness.
4-Certain people are in your life for a specific reason and there is something to learn from everyone.
5-It could always be worse.
6-I am one of the few people who have never watched a super bowl and don't care...haha

Thank you all for your comments and love as usual. It really means a lot to me even if I don't have the time to comment back, I read each one of them and it warms my heart.

Sassy bum

Obsessed baby lover

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