
Friday, April 18, 2014

Everlasting Life

OLLIE WILL LIVE AGAIN just as Jesus himself does and promised...I believe this with all of my heart. I will touch him, hold him and kiss his feet again.  Life does not end here!!! Ollie will rise, just as the sun rises each day.

This video is PROFOUND. Please watch it and remember why we are celebrating Easter. Take a minute to meditate and be in silence with your thoughts. It's very healing and powerful. 

So thankful for the Savior of this mortal world who suffered beyond compression for you and I. He suffered for OUR sins and our sorrows so we may have EVERLASTING LIFE. One day we will rest from our sorrows and be free of our heavy burdens, I just know it. 

One of my favorite pictures of Christ visiting the Americas after he was resurrected

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