
Monday, July 7, 2014

baby steps

i have been unraveling at the seems. 
i have been exhausted,
ready to be done with this life.
 i can't quite accomplish much of anything lately-this has been the case for over 2 years now. 
i can not keep or make commitments.
 i am unorganized. 
i am inpatient with chris and my children.
i dont get much sleep-loxxley wakes up at midnight, 2am, 5am, and up at 7am.
i do shower and brush my teeth regularly, finally.
i am slowly paying off bills, making follow up appointments and making dinner.
slowly, very slowly.
i can now keep my house clean and take care of the kids without being overwhelmed and feeling like i might yell and run away and never come back.

-baby steps-
teenie tiny steps in the direction of a 'normal' life.

My family has been a big gigantic help in my healing.  My family will take the kids anytime I ask them-day or middle of the night. It has helped me not be so stressed, so I can grieve and heal.


After a step back and realizing my life needed some help and balance, I signed up for a Yoga Teacher Training with Bodhi Yoga. It was a 10 day accelerated program. I loved every minute of it and learned so much about heaven, myself and Yoga. Yoga is more than just getting that pose and looking good, its about finding yourself and loving you in that moment. 
Its about being still.
 Just being.

This is the first thing I have done for myself in a really long time and it felt great!
(now, what to do for Chris to better heal)
Please give me ideas

<<<she makes me laugh>>> 


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