
Thursday, August 13, 2015


That last picture and post was a was HEAVY-I know....but needed. For me, and for you all.  I have always been someone who seeks self improvment daily---I do understand some do not wish to change or do better...I think it's ignorant, but that's just my thoughts.

So much love came out of the last post. THANK YOU! I feel your love. And I love you all deeply.

I needed to see something HAPPY now on my blog.....

Ollie, my little gentle peanut, who loved pretzels just like his daddy and other siblings. Keep inspiring us all to be better and kinder. Help us to live a better life because we knew you and your love for all things. Your sweetest was too pure and too lovely for this earth. Rest my child until I hold you again. Please stay near your family and those who love you. And keep being the best guardian a momma could ask for!


The biggest thing I have learned form grief is to keep living. I have to keep going. I have to keep breathing, serving and loving......and fighting.

Need some hope, click the link...

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