

Sweetest little guy you would ever meet. So gentle, patient and funny. I want to share more pictures of him. I just cant look at or print enough pictures of him. I wish I had better quality pictures. I wasnt into having him pose for pictures but I wish I had taken some with my nice camera.
Here are some of my favorites (they are all favorites now) pictures of my sweet Ollie

Ollie Kai Hebb
June 21st 2010
7lbs. 1 oz.

 1 Month
Chris wanted him to grow up to become a swimmer :(

2 Months
First time to the ocean in California, it was chilly

3 Months

 4 Months

Ollie went on a walk every morning with his dad, even in the winter!

5 Months
He was always wearing a hat

6 Months
Dressed in his grandpas baby clothes

 7 Months

We were able to sneak him on the ski lift at Park City Mountain. First time skiing.

Ollie loved the snow

 8 Months
His first sickness

Goblin Valley

 9 Months

10 Months

Ollie absolutely loved swimming with his daddy at the cousins house in Arizona

11 Months
We went fishing at Joradnelle a lot during the summer

The gorilla at the zoo kept staring at Ollie

We spent all day every day outside

We went to Teton National Park

12 Months

We went to the condo pool

Ollie was blessed by Chris

He hated his birthday cake because he hadn't really had any sugar

 13 Months
Our first camping trip up  in the high Unitas, we hiked 3 miles to our little private island

We sure loved our camp-out

14 Months

He loved to garden already. Just like his mom and dad.

Im sure glad I let him make messes, he loved it!

15 Months

In the u-haul moving to Oregon

16 Months
In our new home in Oregon

Ollies first date with Lily. Buddies forever!

17 Months
Cutting down the Christmas tree.

This day he went and sat out here all by himself. Of course I had to take a picture.

18 Months

He LOVED the walks in the forest mushroom hunting.

He loved pretzels and was trying to put them in his container.

We were on the train and my mom kept telling him to stick out his tongue!

19 Months

Potty-trained little buddy, yuck eating on the toilet

20 Months
My silly little guy was just getting so much personality.

First Popsicle I had ever given him. It was 100 degrees in Texas.

Miss wiping off that messy face and that little tongue.

Going to nursery at church.

Such a big helper.

Miss those eyes and rosy cheeks.

Forever 21 Months

Releasing salmon in the river

Ollie and his cousin Roxy.

Little angel face

I love this outfit. He was buried in this.

Uncle Zac dressed him up to play in the snow

Flying home back to Oregon

My amazing potty-trained boy playing daddys game boy!
Last picture of Ollie taken alive, just hours before he left this earth. He was so somber.


  1. Oh! These are so cute. I haven't sen some of these before. It's like a gift when a new picture comes out. Thanks Tiffany~ kisses to you

  2. What a sad story, I often worried about my kids falling in the washer too, though they can not climb up on it to get in, I know they can move chairs and things. I am sorry that you lost Ollie, it makes it even more real for me because I have a son born the same exact day as Ollie, 6-21-10. He is the one I watch most as he is my most energetic child and the only one that ever escaped from the home and ran up the street, ALONE!! I was scared!! I can't imagine your pain, but I wish you well with Poppy and you know Ollie is around you always!!

