
Friday, June 6, 2014

Fresh air

For work, Chris had to drive to a few ski resorts and replace some equipment, so Loxxley and I decided to tag along. ((Thank you so much mom and Sandy for watching Poppy)) We thought it might be a little relaxing, even though long hours in the car are never very pleasant. 

We visited Mammoth Mountain, Yosemite  National Park, Lake Tahoe, and Truckee.
All such beautiful places, and all of which I had never seen in person.

Here are a few pics...btw I had a melt down/breakdown last week-whatever you want to call it-I'm sure it was a grief induced melt down. So, this little vay-cay was much needed for my own healing. I took lots of deep breaths and tried to just be in the moment! 

^^^Thank you Chris ^^^

And of course a few pics of our sweet Loxx. He didn't even cry, maybe a few nights, but I already forgot about that part. He was so pleasant and happy the entire time!!!

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