
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

....Its time....

Hopefully you have seen many post on instagram, facebook and my blog about the H2o run in honor of sweet Ollie and all his buddies in heaven.
>>>The life jacket donations<<<

If you haven't registered for the run there is still time, but it is nearing the end. 
 Please do so before AUGUST 15, 2014. 
>>>The medallions to be given to the top 5 male and female finishers and the masters division<<<
The 5k is $20-shirt included.
I know so many of you have told me you are coming....get the cheaper price for registering early.

If you are not a runner, you can still come anyway and get a free life jacket. This event will be super fun, but also there is so much information that EVERY.SINGLE person could use. 

Please, please, come and at least get educated about water safety, maybe one day you will need to use it.

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