

She brings us so much happiness and love during all of this pain. We sure are blessed to have such a sweet, happy baby girl. I cant wait to watch her grow.

Poppy Kai Hebb

May 2nd, 2012
7lbs. 11 oz.

First day on earth

 3rd day on earth

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

Love that tongue

9 Months
Stands at the window like Ollie and looks at the neighbors

Rosy cheeks like her brother

She was eating the fire stick

Little messy mervin loves food

Yes she does cry :-)

10 Months

First time swimming at Uncle Marks in Arizona

Those cheeks are awesome!

First Popsicle in the sun!

11 Months

She likes wearing these glasses and keeps them on

She knows her brother even on a tattoo!

Her typical "OOO" face.

First time to Disneyland!

12 Months
Eating her birthday mini cake.

She carries as many dolls and stuffed animals as she can.

Look at those cute chompers!


  1. Oh My! I love that you put these in order of the months. She's pretty much been smiling nonstop from 3 months on (probably at 2 months old)
    She's a beautiful, happy baby!

  2. I don't know you, but my grandma died just a few months before i was born, and my mom always says we must have been able to be together in heaven for a little while because I have so many similar attributes. Heavenly Father is so merciful, & I'd love to think your precious little Ollie and this sweet baby got that experience as well.

  3. oh how i do love to even just look at her. what a cute thing she is so full of personality. i have told you before and i will say it again that you and Chris are doing such a wonderful job raising her. you can see just by looking at her in these pics. i hope you can see and feel Ollie through her an din your daily living. love you lady and think you are truly amazing. love you!!!

  4. She does look a lot like Ollie!!
