
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 3

OHSU Mother Baby Floor

Today I got transferred to the mother baby unit. The beds are bigger and much softer and the room also has a bed for a guest!! 

They will be checking my vitals every 4 hours...awww. Even through out the night. It's a good thing, but I do hope I am able to get some sleep. 

Chris, my mom and Poppy came to visit and bring me some delicious home cooked food-which I am already craving. I miss my personal chef :(( he brought me Braised pork with raw beet and carrot salad!! It was yummy! The food here, in my opinion, is gross and so blan. Of course I would say this, I have a personal chef who uses a variety of herbs and spices!

The hospital has already offered us fee tram tickets, toys for poppy, magazines, books, games, playing cards, journals, fuzzy cute slipper socks, raspberry chapstick, and vouchers for a healthier snack choice-and it's all donated by others. So kind of these generous people. 

**So the plan is to just keep growing the baby and sit tight and take it day by day. My vitals are all normal-checked every four hours all night...awww and babies are great too and she/he is constantly giving me love taps in my tummy. So now the baby and I work together to win this fight. 
One more day.....


        You might find this funny.
      My dinner...don't be jealous. 

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