
Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 4

OHSU Hospital

I guess the nurses are checking my vitals every 4 hours, even all through out the night. A little much for me-I'm going to request an 8 hour span between checks. So I didn't get much sleep last night, which I think I deeply need in order to grow this baby. So we will see how tonight goes. 

The day was uneventful, which we like. The day consisted of ordering my food, texting a few people, a lot of praying, visualizing my baby and body healing,  more food and lots of water and coconut water. 

**No signs of labor, no cramping. No infection and baby sounds great!! Another day down. Just cooking this little bun. 

      This is just me....all snuggled in. 
Trying to make this a positive experience. 

Thank you for the many sincere prayers offered for our family. Seriously, Chris and I are being carried. And we are still very hopeful. 


Miss this little face and my daily snuggles...but I know gramma b and Chris are taking great care of her!

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