
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Moving again, not so fast

Friday November 15, 2013
Labor and Delivery Floor
26.5 weeks Gestating

One day stronger....

Yesterday was the first day I can actully say I was a little bored. 
I watched 3 movies. 
Never in my life have I done this.
 It was nice, I guess.

I am sitting here on the labor and delivery floor. I was going to be transfered last night at 8pm, and about 5 mins. before I decided to make sure the bleeding had stopped completely. Well, it hadn't.
 So, no moving for me.
 I spent the last two nights hearing woman scream and moan in agony.
I hate this sound.
It makes me feel physically sick.
 I can imagine their pain all too well and don't like hearing it all day and night, because I am not ready to go into labor any time soon....
So, here I stay and try to sleep another night.

Status Update:
*Baby peanut has looked great on the monitors the last few days-no scares with cord compressions.
*My bleeding has stopped.
*Amniotic fluid continues to leak out.
*I have 2 IVs and they are stupid and ugly.
*I can shower now on my own-I washed my hair and shaved my arm pits, actually my mom did both of these for me!
*I might not have to have a nasty classical c section, just a regular.
*Baby is still breach.
*Was excited for a sleep-over with Chris, but he cancelled last minute.
*In general I feel pretty good!

I put my trust in God and these amazing doctors here at OHSU......

I have been reading everything on PPROM-pre term ruptured membranes, and studying up about the NICU. 
Here is some info if any of you are interested in reading more about my condition. There are many stories of hope too.

Thank you for your prayers, they are felt.

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