
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rough 24 hours

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
26.2 weeks gestating baby Hebb

We had another eventful 24 hours. We don't like exciting events around here-at least not any time soon-but they seem to just keep coming up. So, like I said before there hasn't been a dull moment and no time to read my books or knit because I'm constantly being transferred from floor to floor-due to moderate bright red bleeding, many doctors coming in, lots of monitoring of the babies strong heart, being pricked by several needles to check my blood levels, lots of blood, another steroid shot to jump start babies lungs, and magnesium drips-to prevent brain bleeds and cerebral palsy for the little peanut.

So, it's been quite scary around here and unpredictable, but all the pokes, sleepless nights, aching back and numb butt, headaches and no eating for 24 hours are all worth it for this little baby!!!

Our sweet little fighter continues to fight, as do we!!!

My sweet momma visits to just hang out-and she even giggles lots too oh and rubs my back and legs!!! I love her! 

The doctors have been amazing and I love that there are several doctors that come in a day, perinatologists, an OB and the neonatologist. We all live minute to minute around here. They are well prepared that I might go into labor at any moment or that the babe might be in distress. I have full confidence in them and am trusting them to make the best decisions for us. Of course, I look up everything they say, so I'm well informed and educated. I love that OHSU is a teaching school so they are up on all current research and seem highly skilled-and many are so sensitive too. I have made many wonderful friends.

Some nurses I have really formed a bond with, these nurses are so sweet and knowledgable too-they even give me warm wash cloth baths-with yummy smelling soap, help me put on my ugly hospital granny panties, they see all my body parts-my bum hangs out of the gown (I think it's funny and let it hang out, no same here. When else can you do this?? Ha), they guide me with their gentle hand to the toilet because I am weak, when they talk to me they put their hand on my leg or hold my hand, they get me things when I ask please and point, they clean up lots blood and yucky towels, they even smell lots of very unpleasant smells, and most importantly they give me comfort and hope. 

What a great dad when moms on leave. Love and miss them so much. Chris dressed her in Ollie's pjs. 

Status update:
As of right now @ 9:00 AM
*Baby fighter Hebb has been stable through all of this. Yay
*Having an ultrasound this afternoon to see if baby has been growing appropriately-say a prayer please.
*My bleeding has decreased significantly since yesterday-this could change within minutes.
*No cramping. Yay
*Currently off magnesium sulfate-which means they aren't anticipating continued labor.Yay
*No more room changing-I will stay on labor and delivery with one on one care until baby arrives.
*Today is the worst I have felt-its not very bad though-but I still smile, am polite, and try to stay positive. :-))
*Baby is still breach.
*A mild contraction here and there.
*We made it one more day! Yay
*Breakfast will be here in 15 mins. Yay

(As many of you know, I like natural everything and try to implement that in my life whenever possible. This hospital stay has been quite difficult for me, but I am so thankful for modern medicine. I am trusting these doctors and God. I have turned it over to them-and we fight together and do whatever needs to be done for a healthy and safe arrival of this precious angel sent straight from our sweet Ollie's arms, just like little Poppers was!) 

~A huge thank you for all the prayers, good vibes, kindness, fasting, love, flowers, phone calls, emails, nice notes, and constant faith in baby Hebb and I~

             .Miss my girl. 

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