Many have been asking me how Ollie passed on from this life...I share this only to raise awareness and express my pain as a grieving mother.
*as you read please have a prayer in your heart..its very heavy.
Ollie was then transported to the hospital
about 3 minutes away. There the ER team put him on a ventilator and
continued CPR for about 30 minutes. This was so heart wrenching to watch
my baby boy, the love of my life being worked on so vigorously while I
stood back and watched, feeling so helpless. I was so shaken up at this point and in severe
shock. Chris arrived and we both were hugging each other and sobbing in
disbelief as we watched nurses and doctors try to save our son while
feeling so so so helpless. Ollie received a Priesthood blessing from our
local missionaries (this is a miracle in it self, they just happened to have a car that day and had just bought a GPS) and then was
transported to one of the best pediatric hospitals, Doernbeckers Children's Hospital. I took a
ride I never wanted to take-ever,but I not only rode in it once, but now I got to ride in it again and stare back at my son lying with tubes in him and all cold, lifeless. And they expected me to be calm in the front seat. yeah right. While looking back at my
baby boy hooked up to to all those awful tubes while fighting for his
life I prayed and asked God for a miracle. I knew he could be saved only if it was Gods will. I had some serious FAITH at this moment, but also such despair.
We arrived at the hospital and the doctors were inserting a pic line so they asked to meet with us in a private room-Basically its the room where they give people the worst news of their lives. The Doctor told us Ollie was most likely not going to make it...Chris and I broke down into tears. We sobbed and sobbed for a few minutes uncontrollably.sad. sad. sad. worst news ever. She told us his brain was dead due to lack of oxygen and his body would most likely shut down completely after 3 days.
We arrived at the hospital and the doctors were inserting a pic line so they asked to meet with us in a private room-Basically its the room where they give people the worst news of their lives. The Doctor told us Ollie was most likely not going to make it...Chris and I broke down into tears. We sobbed and sobbed for a few minutes uncontrollably.sad. sad. sad. worst news ever. She told us his brain was dead due to lack of oxygen and his body would most likely shut down completely after 3 days.
In those next 24 hours so many things
happened but it mostly consisted of prayers, fasting, priesthood
blessings and holding Ollie's hand.oh and lots of tears. and more
prayers. My parents, Chris' parents and Chris' brother caught the
next flight out to Portland. I was so happy and relieved to see them
all but so sad because I knew how much they loved little Ollie. I just knew the moment they stepped into the hospital room and saw Ollie, theirs hearts broke. I didnt
want any of their hearts to break or hurt like mine was. We all knew
Ollie could be saved by a miracle if it was Gods will. I knew Ollie was
fighting between being with us here on earth and being with God in
heaven. I never once left Ollies side and I wanted so badly to pick him
up and for his spirit to re-enter his body. Why couldn't we receive a
miracle? they happen all the time. We would all gather around Ollie and
just sob and ask God to heal him, we knew He could.
moment the clock hit 24 hours, we were physically and emotionally exhausted, we said a prayer and knew it was time to
take Ollie off life support. This moment was so hard because we knew if
we didn't get a miracle now, he would pass away. So many prayers had been
given in Ollie's behalf, if it was Gods will a miracle would happen. I
knew this then and I know this now. It was not even a question to keep
him on life support while having 0% brain activity and no signs of
improvement in 24 hours.The nurse slowly and gently unhooked Ollie from
those nasty tubes holding him to the bed. She asked me if I would like to
hold him, something I wanted to do since the moment of the accident. Of course I did. I wanted to hold him forever and tell him how
sorry I was. I sobbed. and sobbed. My body was so worn out and so was
his. We were all so exhausted. I sobbed some more while rocking my big
baby boy, one last time. Ollie's precious body became so heavy we all had
to take turns, it was all physically and mentally exhausting. We all held
Ollie off and on for 6 agonizing, but precious hours. Part of my
heart wanted him to stay forever, but part of me wanted him to just pass
on to Heavenly Father because it was so painful to watch him struggle for
every breath. He took his last breath in my arms and his body became
cold and his spirit left completely and I knew he was with Heavenly
Father. This moment I will never forget
and cherish forever. My last moments with Ollie. I whispered into his
ear and kissed him. This
breaks my heart to type this and I long for that special day when I hold him again.
I look forward to the day his
body and spirit are reunited so he may fully live again. Life is all too
precious and we must not take any second for granted. Make the best out
of EVERY moment . Help, inspire me and help me uplift someone daily. My sweet blue
eyed baby boy Ollie I love you always.
How come all the comments are not showing from the home page???
ReplyDeleteCame here from Stephanie Waite's blog. Your story is heartbreaking. I know that these are just words, and you can't hear my sincerity, or see my teary eyes, but I am so sorry. I ache for you and your loss. I just said a prayer for you - that you will feel peace, that you will feel encircled by Heavenly Father's arms, and that you can feel your son in your presence and also know he spends his time with our Savior. I don't know you, but I wish you didn't have to go through this. Nobody should have to.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through Ashley Sullenger's and found hers through my niece's blog. Both lost their little girls. I can't begin to imagine how difficult and hard it is to lose your precious precious child. I have a strong belief in prayer and priesthood blessings and I know there are miracles every day. But I also know that whatever happens to a loved one, even a child, is between them and the Lord. Maybe for you, the miracle already happened when little Ollie came into your life - you got to be the mother of a perfect human being and perfect spirit. I'm glad you were able to hold him, kiss him, and wash him. I was told that the hearing is the last to go when a person passed from this life so I think he heard all your loving words and will remember them forever. I tell myself this and I will tell you the same thing: I know THE LOVE NEVER ENDS. He is still Ollie and his spirit is never far from you. I pray for you to have a good holiday and that you will continue to forge new memories so that when you see your son again, you will have so much exciting and wonderful things to tell him. Keep smiling and moving forward. It will be hard without him but you still have a lot to do and a lot of love to give here on Earth. I pray for the Lord's choices blessing to come your way and that peace and comfort will be yours during the holiday season.
ReplyDeleteAuntie Em,
DeleteThank you for your nice comments. I am glad you reminded me about the hearing going last, Ollie heard my tender words. I also like that you said I will have so many wonderful things to tell Ollie. I am sure he can see me most of the time but it is nice to think that and it helps motivate me to have fun.
Merry Christmas!
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!! My Grandson helps me with the laundry all of the time....he loves to help his grandma and he wants to do my laundry by himself too....I had to protect his daddy when he was a young child with every ounce of my being, just because if he had ever been told not to do something you could bet he would be doing it. We can't possibly know the dangers that exist in everything, I have learned many over the years that I've spent working with young children, but the laundry had never occurred to me as life threatening to a 2 year old child that can barely reach the top....once again .... thank you for this article, I will try to pass it along and one more door will have a lock on it at my you for sharing and your thoughtfulness of other children in the face of your own terror.
ReplyDeleteI received a comment today on my blog from your mother, Sheri. She came across my blog and read our story of losing our sweet Gabriel in July of 2010 and she said, "When we share each others grief, it makes it seem lighter." I couldn't agree more as I type and read your Ollie's story I am crying, my heart is breaking for you and for me and the great loss we've experienced. I'm so sorry, but I do think that when we know we're not alone even though all our stories vary it helps to pull through the grief. I'm thankful your mom left a comment and directed me to your blog. Sending Hugs<3
ReplyDeleteThank you Amy for writing and helping to lift my burden and share your story. There is such a huge community of grieving mothers. And they are all so wonderful!!
DeleteYou and your family have faced the worst event in our world-losing a child. I will keep you in my prayers as Ollie's angelversary approaches. My precious nephew, Luc, was alive 2 years and 7 months. He was born with brain cancer and endured so many surgeries, so much pain. Even now, almost 6 years later, his life and death are so real so fresh. As the doctor told us early on one of the most common side effects of having a terminally ill child is losing your marriage. Luc's parents were not able to save their marriage, but my dear brother has found happiness and love again and is the father of a perfect three-year-old son. He prefers we remember Luc's birthday, not the date of his death and I honor that preference. I have expressed myself poorly, but offer a prayer of comfort right now.
ReplyDeleteShannon, Thanks for sharing your story. I do feel blessed I didnt have to see Ollie suffer too much with an illness. Losing a child sure is the hardest thing in this life. Thank you for your prayers. love to you and your family
DeleteI am so sorry for your loss. Ollie is a beautiful little boy and reminds me so much of my almost 2 year old. Your story touches me so deeply. I will never forget you and your family. I feel compelled to share something with you. My child looked out the window and expressed she saw something (she said it was a pretty face) shortly before our beloved pet died. She was adamant she saw something out the window and I, of course, did not see anything. She had never before and never since said or did such a thing. Her experience brought us great comfort. I hope my sharing this is helpful to you in some way. Love and hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteI have nominated you for the Liebster Award!
I look forward to reading your answers Tiffany. ♥♥♥
Your story is beyond words...what you experiences is so heart wrenching and touches the very inner parts of my spirit. I cannot believe your strength and your courage to post such intimate details of your experience. Your words are beautiful Tiffany!! What god has asked of you is heavy and I can't even tell you how sorry I am...but i can tell you that you are amazing. your courage to share with the world so that you can save even one other child is touching. I truly hope and pray for your continued strength and courage to keep taking each day as it comes! We love you guys and you have an amazing family and I can't wait to see the day you are all reunited and you will raise your sweet Ollie that has touched so many lives and it is no surprise because you and your sweet family have touched so many lives as well!!! What a special sweet spirit Ollie has!!! thank you tiffany and chris for your courage to share with us your very tender story!!!
DeleteThank you for your kind words of encouragement. Yes God has asked me to do something very heavy butt I am making it, one small step at a time. I love you and your family!!!I wish you strength and comfort as you try to have a baby...
I am so very sorry for your loss! I am in tears as I try to write this comment. There are no words! Thank you for spreading awareness about the dangers of washing machines!
ReplyDeleteThank you for becoming aware of this sick danger Kayla. Love to you.
DeleteI came across your story while working late a few nights ago. I have carried you and your son on my heart throughout the last few days. I am not sure I am capable of expressing clearly why this resonated with me but I hope you know how much you have touched my heart. I have shared it with as many young mothers like myself I can think of in hopes to bring awareness to them and their daily activities. If there is anything else I can do, other than pray, please reach out to me.
ReplyDeleteKendall Holman
DeleteI am so touched that you are touched by my story. Thank you so much for sharing it with others mothers. If only one life is saved (but I know its many more) then I have done a good job about sharing the dangers. Love to you and your family.
and thank you for the prayers, that is the best thing right now.
I came across your story a few night ago while working late. I am not sure why your words resonated so close to my heart but I have returned time and time again to your page. I have done my best to share your story with other young mothers like myself in the hopes of assisting you in your desire to educate. Thank you for being so strong to share.
ReplyDeleteI saw your story on Facebook and read it. I am sooo sorry for your loss. I cant begin to imagine what you went thro. I have a little boy and I have no clue how I could go on if this happened to him. You are a straong and brave woman. May your heart find some peace.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about what you have been through. Ollie was a gorgeous boy on earth and is a beautiful angel in Heaven waiting for you. Love to you all xxxx
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry about the loss of Ollie. I look at his pictures and just wonder how such a beautiful little guy could be gone. I found your blog through Cody and I can't imagine how hard this has been for you. But, please know that he is always with you and a part of your little boy lives through Poppy. I have a little cousin who recently just turned 2 and if anything ever happened to him i would be absolutely broken. (Its crazy how connected you become to little ones.) He means everything to me and after reading your story there is not a second that i take him for granted. if i had to sing wheels on the bus (which he LOVES) with him a million times i would do it happily. I am so sorry and all of my prayers are sent to you and your family. But you are extremely lucky to have Poppy now <3 .
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry about the loss of Ollie. I look at his pictures and just wonder how such a beautiful little guy could be gone. I found your blog through Cody and I can't imagine how hard this has been for you. But, please know that he is always with you and a part of your little boy lives through Poppy. I have a little cousin who recently just turned 2 and if anything ever happened to him i would be absolutely broken. (Its crazy how connected you become to little ones.) He means everything to me and after reading your story there is not a second that i take him for granted. if i had to sing wheels on the bus (which he LOVES) with him a million times i would do it happily. I am so sorry and all of my prayers are sent to you and your family. But you are extremely lucky to have Poppy now <3
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kinds words and prayers. xoxo
DeleteI am so sorry for your loss. God bless you,your family, and your precious son.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and you family! My prayers go out for all of you.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you and your family on so many levels. Our family has also experienced a trial, learned many lessons, and seen many miracles by way of the Lord's will. Thank you for sharing your story. xx
ReplyDeleteIt is through the Lord we get through these hardships. Thank you for your thoughts.
You have no idea how much I have been sobbing reading this story. My little girl loves to help me with the laundry, and I just can't imagine...
ReplyDeleteRight now she's napping and all I want to do is go and hold her close and tight. I'm so sorry for you loss. Families are forever and I just KNOW that you and your little Ollie will be reunited someday. I will keep you guys in my prayers.
Oh hug your sweetie a little more for me...Thank you for your faith and prayers. I too know I will see and hug Ollie again, soon.
DeleteThank you for sharing your story! In 2009 my sister died unexpectedly during childbirth. I begged for a miracle, and the Lord gave our family many, just not the one I was wanting. Sharing your grief through this blog has strengthened me already. I am in awe of your faith and your courage as you experience this journey! My sister is buried at the same cemetery as your son. This coming weekend we are going to the cemetery to celebrate what would have been her 37th birthday. I know the cemetery is huge, but I would love to find your son's headstone and leave a pinwheel or balloon. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers!
DeleteSometimes miracles happen in other ways I guess. I dont see that right now but I believe it...Thank you for sharing. sorry about your little sister.
I will visit her too when I go to Utah...If you enter from the top entrance and drive along the path and stay to the right, Ollie is in that section to the left just before you go around the corner...I think. I have only been there twice
Love to you and your family.xoxox
My heart broke as I read this and it made me want to be a better mom. Treasure more of the small moments. Not be so stern sometimes. I'm so sorry about your sweet Ollie. These little children are such sweet precious gifts lent to us from The Father. I love that you kissed Ollie all over. He was so blessed to have you as his mommy and Chris as his daddy! ~noelle
ReplyDeleteI read this with a very heavy heart. I ahve a little girl who is 3 and my whole world would end if I ever lost her. I pray for your strength. I wish I could reach out and hug you! :-(