Saturday, February 2, 2013

Good Morning

Who wouldn't like waking up to this face and tongue?!?!?!
9 months ago little Poppers came into our lives.
 I was thinking I could never love another child like Ollie, well I love her just the same.

  • She can now crawl, but prefers to pull herself up to things and stand
  • She can wave bye-bye
  • She now knows her name
*I never took out my nice camera with Ollie, I just used my iPhone and regret that. So with Poppers I am taking more photos with my Nikon.



  1. oh she is just as prfect as they come. i jsut want to squeeze her and make her laugh. i love her eyes. big and beautiful. just liker yours :)

  2. i just lover her. she is just as perfect as they come. you can she she is so happy. and i lover her big huge eyes. beautiful just like yours :)

  3. Yes, that would make me happy to see each morning! Beauatiful, happy, smart, little girl. She knows she is loved!

  4. Seriously! Poppy is as adorable and sweet as they come. She is utterly gorgeous. I completely agree with everyone who commented on her eyes, they are beautiful. I just love how happy she always looks. It’s easy to see how adored and cherished she is.

    It does seem impossible to ever love someone as completely and absolutely as your first baby, but then you have your second child and you realize that your heart has the amazing capacity to love them just as much as you did the first one (of course I also felt that way with my 3rd). I guess moms just have an infinite store of love for their kids:)
