Friday, October 19, 2012


So my life is not all sad...I do have so many things to be thankful for and I really need to appreciate what I do have. We are so blessed! Going through this trial it's horrible and the hardest thing I have gone through but it could always be worse...
We have our sweet Poppy who we adore and she adores us right back!
And Ms. Poppy has her brothers beautiful blue eyes!
I have a wonderful husband and father to my children! This is just a funny picture Chris put her like this and she was stuck...he really is such a loving, and fun daddy!
Chris sure adores and love his children! He takes care of us very well!
I have a wonderful family who supports us. Chris' family is so supportive too, just dont have a picture of them (well an appropriate picture...(heather and
These special children call and sing an opera song to us everyday and they never stop smiling and loving life...they sure warm my heart and are truly from heaven


  1. One of my friends pinned your blog on pinterest. I only came for the first time on Monday, but I can't stop thinking of you and your sweet family. I am heartbroken for you, I know I don't know you, but I am. Our little families are similar. My worst (as I'm sure is every mothers) nightmare is to lose a child. Broken. I pray for your heart. I pray for your strength. I pray for your hope. Please know there are so many praying for you and your family. I know God has a plan for us, I know. But sometimes that doesn't make it easier. My grandma lost her son at 18 (my uncle) I know she missed him every day for the rest of her life, but I also know she was happy. I'm sure it took a while, but she really really was. I hope you find the same peace. Sending love and prayers!

    1. Krista, thank you for reading my blog and becoming aware of the washing machine danger in your home... Thank you for your prayers and thoughts..I can feel them and I too know God has a plan but its hard to live with it sometimes but I know we will have brighter days ahead. xoxo

  2. Thanks TIffany, I love seeing Poppy's pictures & yes I wish Ollie was right in there with her. but you can miss someone terribly & still be happy. & it's ok. I love the picture of her being stuck. she is still smiling. She never stops. what a sweet baby girl.

  3. Tiff I am in awe of your strength and courage! Such a great mom, Wife & friend. I wish you lived close so I could squeeze little Poppy...she is so scrumptious!!

  4. You are awesome Tiff! I am so proud to be your sister! You are such a great example of faith and strength. I am always thinking about you! I know Ollie would want to see his mommy and daddy smile... so I'm happy you're finding the things that make still smile. I love you all!

  5. Tiffany,
    I heard about your precious baby boy through Cody because of People Water! I think about you and your sweet family often!!!! You are a true inspiration and you guys amazes me everyday. That is a parents worst nightmare and I am awed by your faith and strength. I lost my cousin two years ago the day after Thanksgiving in a tragic car accident. Death is so unbearable since its just so final until we all meet again one day. To this day I struggle with her death especially around this time of year. I too wish I could see her face, kiss her cheek, of just hear her voice! Your story has truly touched me because I know the feeling of death but still can't imagine it being your child! GOD has something good and special in store for you and your family. I love you getting the word out and helping others!!!! You are my HERO! Don't ever feel like you weren't a good mom- it's the exact opposite. Accidents happen and they happen fast, quick that's why they call them accidents. Stay strong and keep keeping on! You rock sista! Love ya! XOXO. Amy
