Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thank you

A big gigantic THANK-YOU,
 to all who read my blog and especially the ones who leave comments. It helps me so much to know I am loved when I feel the lowest of lows. Many of you say I inspire you, well 
you inspire me with your words! We never know the effect of one small word or gesture...It might just change someones life.

Thanks for your LOVE!


  1. You do have amazing strength, Tiffany. I just saw the photos on the left, and they made me cry. What a sweet little angel.

    1. those pictures are almost too much. Im sorry I had to post them. so gross but so precious. Thank you!

  2. Crap. Now I feel remiss. I have been reading every post selfishly for the last couple of weeks....and because I am VERY pregnant...not so much commenting. I know you did not thank to guilt people into posting....but I DO feel guilty for not writing something for every time you move and inspire....LOVE your blog Tiff. You may think it is for you....but I guarantee ya, every one who reads it, is blessed every time they have the pleasure. Love ya.

    1. Tracie, youre funny. I dont expect anyone to comment but it does totally help...thanks for your sweet words!

      Keep reading! and dont worry about commenting...:)

  3. Oh Tiffany, you are so special to so many people. We all are blessed so much from what you write. As much as you give to all of us, it is nice to know that you gain strength from us also.

    The pictures of you, Chris and your parents kissing Ollie good bye are so heart wrenching, but what a blessing for you to have. Such a little angel, waiting for you to join him some day.

    You all have so much strength, you are truly amazing.

    Love you,


    1. Kelli,
      Those pictures are so precious but so hard... I wasnt sure about posting them.

      Thank you always for your love!

  4. You are amazing! Still praying for you!

    1. Thank you, I need the prayers..Sometimes I feel so selfish requesting and taking up peoples prayers, but I do appreciate it!

  5. You are amazing! Still praying for you!

  6. Tiffany ~ I am a mother of two (6 year-old son and 4 year-old daughter) who has been thinking of you and praying for you since Ollie went to Heaven. After I heard about Ollie's tragic accident in the news, my true second reaction (first being heart-wrenching sadness for your loss) was that I hope you will find forgiveness...of yourself and from those that loved Ollie. When I read your blog, I know that you have found that forgiveness through your faith, and I am in awe of this. I didn't know I could be much more of a believer in God and my faith until I started reading your blog. You don't preach it, you just report it the way it is! The marbles are truly miracles...truly, truly. I can't wait to see where you find one next. I love how you say that Ollie is telling Poppy to smile so much. When our kids ask about things that happened in our life before they were born, we say it happened when they were in God's life. I totally believe that they understand because they have said things like they "played together in God's life", and "remember when we did that in God's life?" I was listening to a pastor on Faith 1200 radio discuss how he dealt with losing one of his children. He said it wasn't until he really understood that God has a plan, to the very second of the very day, of how long each person's earthly life should last before He calls them home. We cannot question why or when if we truly believe in Him. I went from "oh, I can't IMAGINE losing a child" to "if God truly has this plan, then I need to make the most of every moment of every day so I know I did my best when He calls ANY one of us home." I have a lot of work to do in making EVERY moment count and be my best 'me', but I do feel that this helps me be more grateful, patient (always a struggle!), and purposeful in my earthly life. I can't strive for perfection, because I will never attain it, but I can realize that a little improvement is better than none at all. The reason that I am writing this to you as a total stranger is that I feel compelled to tell you there are people like me out there reading your raw emotions - happy and sad - that are learning from you. I have wanted to post a comment many times, but I didn't know how to until tonight, when I read that the comments really matter to you. I felt like you were speaking directly to me, and that you needed to know there are so many people out there being inspired by you in whatever way they need it. Our washing machine history: we always had a front-loader until 1 year ago when we sold them and moved into a rented twinhome with their own top-loading set. This washing machine has such a large agitator in the middle that I can hardly get wet towels out of it without beating up my knuckles. So when I learned about washing machine safety from you, I looked at our current machine and thought our kids are too big to fit in that space. Now we are buying a house that has a w/d set in it already, and when I opened up the washer, I thought of Ollie immediately (!!!) because the agitator is only about 2 inches at the max around the middle post, and there is so much room that our 4-year old could possibly fit in there! We will be installing a lock on it until we can afford another front-loading washer. Maybe there should be some standard width of the agitator thing so that the space between that and the opening of the tub is not so wide??? Speaking of, I am so glad to see that you have brought so much awareness to the issue of washing-machine safety. You and Ollie are helping to save lives. Your path has been chosen by God, and look what you are doing with it...helping others as you go through the hardest thing in your life. Please never feel selfish for taking up peoples' prayers, because there are enough prayers for everyone...that's the beauty of prayer! God bless you, your precious Ollie and Poppy, your wonderful husband, and your loving and supportive family. xo Jenn from Minnesota
