Thursday, February 7, 2013

Feeding the ducks

We went to feed the ducks since it was sunny and almost 55 degrees in sunless Oregon.
 We would take Ollie to this spot. He was suppose to be there with us that day...darn.
 Poppy loved the ducks though! We of course sat on the exact same bench. It made me mad because these stupid ducks were still alive a year later, but my Ollie isn't. Doesn't seem fair.

February 2013 with Poppy


 December 2011....with Ollie


  1. Ohh that is so precious to see the same pictures. That will mean a lot to her one day, to know she went to the same places Ollie did! Keep up your head you can make it through anything!! It might be hard right now, but you can rely on family and Christ.Stay strong!

  2. wishing for the same weather right now here in Canada. Just dropping buy and reading some of your post ♥

  3. There is a fine line between loving and hating these moments for me. Sometimes I love being in the same place, doing the same thing with Ryder that I used to do with Quincy. It's sweet and somewhat heartwarming. But it is also sad and heartbreaking at the same time. Always a battle of emotions. I'm sure you feel the same.

  4. I love the picture of Ollie standing on the bench feeding the ducks... so precious! It's so special that both of your children love ducks <3

  5. so strong for you and Chris to be able to do things like that with your sweet Poppy. she is so lucky to have you and Chris for her mommy and daddy. what a sweet spirit she is. im sure Ollie was whispering little things to her and she was there having fun, im sure of it. she will look back on these pics and be so greatful for all you do for her and she will know her brother from things just like this. love you :)

  6. They both look so cute, & almost the same age. Ollie's a little older. She will love these pictures one day. Sami said it right....Keep your head up, you can make it through anything.

  7. It's really, really not fair. I hate that you don't get to have Ollie with you. I keep thinking that I hope those who had to struggle more in this world will be rewarded with special blessings in the next.

    Visiting the ducks is such a fun activity to do with the kids. Ollie and Poppy are both so cute. I'm glad you had we're able to get out and enjoy the sunshine.
